Since BIRT charting is complex, here are some tips to understand this better.

Source code for BIRT examples

The most effective way to develop applications using BIRT charting API is to get the source code for org.eclipse.birt.chart.examples on your workspace; run the chart examples and then write your own code.

To do this:

  1. Get the clone url for the project, ie
  2. clone the project to local repository, ie: C:\Users\me\git\birt
  3. import the project org.eclipse.chart.examples from git local repo to workspace
  4. search for main() methods to run available examples

As example, the SwingChartVieverSelector class runs the application to display the following chart


Read FAQs

First of all: read BIRT Charts 2.2 faqs

To Generate a chart


Categories: eclipse


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