Guide to Local AI for Code Analysis

A guide to setup and benchmark Local LLMs (Large Language Models) for analyzing and reverse engineering complex software projects. In the walkthrough, I setup a system for analyzing Python on top of a macOs system. The contents can be easily generalized to analyze different languages (e.g. Java or Javascript) on Read more…

VPS Setup Guide

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of setting up a Virtual Private Server (VPS) from scratch, covering initial access, user management, security measures, and software installation. Local Creation of an SSH Key Pair On your local machine, open a terminal and create a new SSH key pair: Read more…

Routine App Prototype Backend

This document outlines the structure and implementation of the dev.algo.routine full stack application backend. Specifically, this document addresses how to build and test the monolithic application backend using SpringBoot. Initial Prototype Backend Backend Setup Set up Spring Boot project Configure PostgreSQL database Setting up a robust database is crucial for the application. Read more…

Routine App Architecture

This post details the architecture of the Routine App, starting from the goals, and diving into the tech stack, development stages and strategies to ensure the project can be implemented with high-quality standards. Project Overview Goals Showcase abilities in Java, Cloud, and TypeScript. Build a minimal app with low code, Read more…

Routine App Case Study

The Routine App is an ambitious project aimed at creating a productivity tool while showcasing advanced software development skills. This article outlines the primary goals, and key features of the Routine App, setting the foundation for the entire development process. This case study will take you through the entire process Read more…

API Gateway

This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of API Gateways, their benefits, and practical implementation strategies, with a focus on Java-based solutions. Introduction An API Gateway is an abstraction layer representing a single entry-point for a system providing multiple services. In the world of microservices and distributed systems, API Read more…

Finite Groups featured image

Finite Groups

In this post we provide the definition of finite groups and we show a few examples meaningful for cryptography and blockchain Def. Finite Groups Def. A group is a set together with an operation combining two elements of , which satisfies the following properties: Closeness: The group operation is closed: Read more…


This post is a collection of basic topics needed for a proper understanding of Cryptography. Cryptographic Systems Primal goal: allow two people to exchange confidential information even if they can only communicate via a channel monitored by an adversary Symmetric Cryptosystem A 5-tuple Where are sets of possible keys, messages, Read more…