Mongo DB Test

Installing MongoDB on Windows. Download MongoDB from its download page, and install it. I chose to install in C:\opt\MongoDB\Server\3.2. Create a folder for database and a folder for logs. Then create a mongod.cfg to represent this data. In my case, I put all under a new C:\data\ directory. And this is the Read more…

JSDT Project Structure

This post explains the JSDT projects structure, and it is the result of my direct experience. This page serves also as part discussion for JSDT developments. Kudos -all to those who comment and leave constructive feedback: here and on JSDT bugzilla. [486037, 477020] By reading this article you will be able to understand where the Read more…

JSDT Development

This post is about my experience in setting up a JSDT development environment. (see also Setting up JSDT There are several ways to setup JSDT development environment. A good one is having an Eclipse Installation for development (IDE) and an Eclipse Installation as Target Platform (TP) . IDE : PDE, GIT, XML and Read more…

Eclipse IDE Howto Videos

As expressed in the post Marketing IDE / was: Ctr-1 driven development: these are some proposed Eclipse IDE howto videos: Create an E4 Application with PDE and E4Tools Build an E4 Application with Tycho Test E4 Application with SWTBot Build JEE Application with WTP Build Maven based JEE Application with WTP Read more…

Eclipse WTP development

This page holds some references to WTP (Web Tools Platform) developer resources. Main WTP references Main references Community page : Community info about development: project on site: WTP Contribution Resources on how to contribute to WTP project: I asked how to contribute to WTP on Eclipse Forums There is the webtools FAQ Read more…

SWT XY Graph charting

XYGraph Charting download Nebula Visualization components from nebula release update site. Create a new E4 Application After the application is created, open plugin dependencies then add the following two plugins org.eclipse.nebula.visualization.xygraph org.eclipse.draw2d As you see below  Now, add a part to your E4 Application and put the code you see Read more…