Java XSL Transform

This is a snippet of code to show how to perform an XSL transformation with Java Below you can see how to XSL Transform using File, StreamSource and StreamResult. And there it is an example of XSL Transform using StringReader and StringWriter. Source code is available on my Git repository: Read more…

myBatis Java

This article introduces mybatis java (iBatis 3 for java) and summarizes its configuration and usage. The article also give suggestions on its usage. Introduction The iBATIS Data Mapper (born in 2002) is a framework that  introduces SQL Mapping approach to persistence layer development. The iBATIS name and code was donated to the Apache Software Foundation; that hosted Read more…

Java Regex

A Regular Expression is a sequence of characters representing a search pattern, to be used for operations like search and replace. Standard Language Regex is a standard used in several programming frameworks and languages such as Perl, Java, Javascript, Python, .NET, W3C XML Schema, etc. Generally, there are only minor differences Read more…